Stroll through 2 acres of beautiful gardens at Pathsaala

Our gardens serve 3 purposes: 

  • They are the classroom for a Sustainable Agriculture Program at Pathsaala.  
  • They supply our restaurant with year-round organic produce.  
  • They beautify our grounds for guest enjoyment.

Our floral and indigenous plant installments are overseen and designed by Andreas Haun.  Andreas is the original designer of Kingsbrae gardens in St. Andrew’s NB, which is one of Canada’s top, most award-winning tourist gardens.

What you’ll find in our gardens…

In our gardens you find everything from vegetables, fruit trees, nut trees, flowers, herbs, micro greens.  We also grow our own lavender and sweet grass and other scents to use in making lotions and soaps for the hotel.

Check out some of the forest trails for extra plantations of mushroom logs, and indigenous plants for annual foraging.